Force Orders 1942_13 X Circulatedto DivisionalHeadçu rtere, Station.Officee,Mobile and Civi1 DefencespecialConstabularyH.qrs. GENERAL ORDER No. 1 . 27th. L4pri1 1942. ( • %L P , ka w. Sw G 93I4Z. ' O l }z PßRT-TIMGSPECIALCONSTABULBRY- ESTABLISHf.ltiNT. The establishmentof the part time Spacial Constabularyfor this Force hae now been fixed by the Home Office at 1,000. Accordinglythe Divieional establishmentshave been fixed as shown in appendix number one to thia General Order. In any caae where a section or unit is below the authorised establishmentsteps wi11 be taken without delay to recruit up to the authorieedetrength. \Vberea Section or unit is at present in excess of the authorieed establiehmentno recruitingin that 5ection or unit can take place until there is a vacancy in the authoriaed strength. Appointmantsto the Special Constabularyand resignationstherefrom require the eanction of the Chiaf Coristable.superintendentswi11 be reeponsiblefor taking a11 necessarysteps to ensure that on1y suitable candidateeare racommandedfor appointment. Aecorda of tha Spedial Conetabularyincludingtheir clothing and equipmentwi11 be maintainedat each DivisionalHeadquarters. Sectional Sergeantswi11 be responsible£or the training and supervisionof the Special Conetablesallotted to them as they form part o£ their command. nominal nom1 of Sp cmal Constableswi11 be kept in the Beat Heport (page 69). sergeantswi11 be responsiblefor keeping a propér record of the houre of duty per£ormed by Special Conetables. In areas where there are 5pec al Constables holding ranks the regular Sergeant wi11 be responsiblefor co-ordination. Tha training in polica mattere of Special Constableswi11 always be tha responsibilityof ragular police. 5uperintendentswi11 be most particularto satisfy themaelvesthat Special Constableeare being proparly trained and are ' üsed to the best advantage. The eetablishmento£ the Mobile 5ection ia fixed by Divi on lw than eetabliehmentof six for Headquartersat Here. It must be c1early undarstood that the establishmento£ particularDivision muet not ba exceeded evan though in aome Divisions there may be a eurplus of applicantsand in others not enough applicants. Transferswi11 require the prior sanction, of Headquarters. There ie no separste establishmentfor observersand consequentlytheee must be included in the strength-of the section to which thay belong and they will have to pePform duty ae ordinary Special Constables until such time aa a vacancy occure in the 1:0.obileSection of the Division to which they belong. They wi11 continue to be the reserve from which vacancies in thaeldo ilaSection are filled. In the meantime they wi11 perform ordinary duty under the command o£ the 5ection Sérgeattts. The DivisionalWar Emergency Officerswi11 be responsible£on the police training of the Mobile 5pecial Constablesand for the issue o£ their uniform and equipment and wi11 act ae liaieon officere between the Divisional superintendentsand the superintendentin charge o£ the ldobileSpacial Conetabularythe latter being responsibleto the Chief Constable. Special Constables employedon liaieon duties although eecondedfor their special dutiee wi11 continue to form part o£ the etrength of the unit to which they belonged before being appointed Liaison Officere. Coneequentlywhen a Special Constable is appointeda Liaison Officer his appointmentwi11 not craata a vacancy in hie originalunit even though during the tarm o£ hie appointment ae Liaison Officer he may not be able to devote any time to hie duties as a member of the unit. The on1y exceptionto this rule ie in the caee of Broxton llivision which hae no idobilaspacial Constable establishment.'PheLiaison Officer for that Division will be borne on the strength of Malpas Section. The DivisionalT;ar Emergency Officerswi11 ba responsiblefor the clothing and equipmentand claims of the Liaieon Officarabelonging to their Divisions. The Liaison Of£icera at ieadquanters,Mere, as we11 as the 1SobileSpecial Constablesat Mere wi11 be tha responsibilityof the iIltrinchamDivisionalVar Emergency Officer who wi11 also be responsiblefor In pector Cook and InspectorProctor smith. The Civi1 Defence 5pecial ConstabularyUnit wi11 continue of the present lines with Chief Inepectorl7eatherbyacting ae the Chief Constables liaieon of£icer for this unit. To avoid delay Chief InspectorCJeatherbywi11 have any necessaryenquiriesmade about applicanteand etate whether the police are satisfiedabout them and wi11 aleo arrange for thair eubsequentswearing in at the most convenientplace. G.O.13/1942• 2 Commencingon the 1st, May 1942 a monthly return of etrengthwi11 be rendered to Iieadquarterseo as to reach thia office not later than the morning o£ the 2nd. of the month. Thie return wi11 show the strength,and distributionat midnight on tha laet day of the previoue month. This return must be carefully compiled ae it ie requi ed for the GovernmentInepector. Chief In pectorleatherby will render the return for the Civil Defenca unit. superintendentswi11 at once exazoinethe position in their reepectiveDivisions eo ae to ensure that a11 vacanciesare filled without delay. It wi11 be appreciatedthat £or some t5me certain Sectionswi11 continue to be over the authorieedestabliehmetttbut this fact wi11 not prevent recruitingfor 5ectione which are be1om etrength even if this must result in etrength of the Divieion being ovar establishmentfor the present, e.g. the authouised strength o£ X. 8ection is 10 - actual etrength 8, the authorisedstrength o£ Y. 8ection is 12, actual strength 15, two more can be racruitedfor X. Section even though this will increase the excess to §. Superintendentsand Chief InepectorWeatherby 'viiirender reports to me not later than 15th. Say1942 statingwhether or not they are aatisfiedthat the special ConstabularyUnits £or which they are reeponsibleare now organieedon the linee laid down in thie General Order. • 60. 10. 35. 1$. 120. 24. 15. 10. 21. 10. 21. 10. 9, 140. 24. 24. 24. 21. 23. 24. BROXTON. m Eccleeton. Hoo1e. Malpa . ALTRINCHAM. MobileSection. i<rincham. Timperley. Sa1e. 9 hton-on-M raep. Bowdon. Knuteford. Lymm. CREPiE. MobileSection. Crewe ';A' . Crewe 'B'. Nantwich. Vdillae t on. A dlem. AUTHORISED ESTABLISHILNTOF PART-TIME SPECIAL CON9TABULHRY. ü {°, I HEADqUARTERS. Cheater. 4. Me°re. 6. Civi1 DefenceUnit. 100. NORTIWICI. 110. .MACCLFSFIELD. 100. MobileSection. 12. Mobile5ection. 12. Northwich. 25. Wilmelow. 40. A].sager. 14. Poynton. 14. Bar ton. 15. Bollington. 15. Holmes Chapel. 9• A1derley Edge. 9• Middlev.'ich. 10. Gawsworth. 10. Sandbach. 15. . \Vinsford. RUNCORN. 120. AL4L. 120. I1obilesection. 24. Runcorn. 24. MobileSection. 24. StocktonHéath. 40. Bromborough. 5- Frodeham. 12. HigherBebington. 5• Tarporley. 10. Hoylake. 15. lakrere. 10. Heawall. 12. E1lesmerePort. 15. , S U RY. LittleSutton. 8. Neston. 8. Civi1Defence. 100. W eat Kirby. 8. MobileUnit. .150. New Ferry. 220. Othere. 75u. Tota1. 1,000. DUKINFIELD. 120. Mobilesection. 24. Bramhall. 12. Bredbury. Cheadle. CheadleHu1me. 11. Dukin£ie1d. 11. Gatley. 9•. Haze1 Grove. 10. arple. 10. Mottram. 10. ó 110.