Force Orders 1935_90 X No. 90. Date 26th.December1935: EXPRESS MESSAGE SCHEME. GeaernlOrdersNo. 323/32'.aad213/33are herebyoaaaelled. This sohemehas been formulatedto £aoilltatethe circulation oP lmpo tnatPo11oemessagesregardingeeriouscrimeand 1s descibed oa pagee 25, 26 aad 27 of the SecretBook,aad 1a the subeequentTab1ee_ therela. It will be observedthat the CheahireCountyPolioeMea is within 'No.1. Dietriat'and that otherDietriotaadjoin3agthe Countyare Noe. 3, 4, and 8 Dlatriata. Applicatiozisto institutesa 'ExpressMessage'wi11 be made to this. oS£ioe,end in euch applicationthe superintendentcoaceraedmuet etate • the Dletriotain which he recommendsthe messageshouldbe oiroulated, aad oa permissionbeing giventhe Superintendentwill telephoneto the appropriateforce or forcescoaceraed. . The Dlstriotsaye describedon page 29 of the SeoretBook. Aa ExpressMesaag olrculat3ngin No. 1 Districtie receivedia the CouatyArea at ChesterHeadquartersfrom Preston,at AltriaohnmDivision . Prom 01d Trafford,at RuncornDivisionfrontVridnee,at CheadleHu1me . Prom stockportBoroughand at DukinfieldSeotlon£rom Aehton-under-Lyne and wi11 be circulatedthroughouthe CountyArea in acoordanoewith the attaohedRota. The formeon which the recelptor transmissionoP the ExpreesMeeeage ia reoordedxi11 contlauei.auee end oae oP the formeduly completedoa both sideswi11 be forwardedto th3a offioe. Aa ExpressMeeeagereceivedfor circulatloashouldbe circulatedto such ImmigrationOfficer,ShippingAgento,Railwayund Dook_Poliçeas may be consideredneceaearyacoordiagto the cr3mecommitted. . Aa ExpressMessagewill be cancelled1a exaotlythe eamemanaerae the :or ginalmeeeagewae seat as per the attachedRota. The Superint ndent reque tingthe institutionof the messagewiU be reaponsiblefor its cancellationto the approprlateforceor forcesconcerned. The ExpressMeeeageeohemedoeanot necessitatethe maimingof aay ' Key Polnte ' but the ChiefConstablehae decidodthatoerta3aplaceeia the Countymay be with advantageuaed u'Key Pointe'and a 11at of euoh places is forwardedherewithfor the infoonationof Superiatendenta.' These 'KeyPo3nte'wi11 not be meaaedunlesslaetruetionsto do so are received from Headquarters. WheneverSuper3ntendeatsinstltutean ExpressMessagethey will aonelderwhetherthe manningof the 'KeyPolats'withinthe Couatywould be of advantageand requeetthe ChiefConstable'sinstructions. It will be underatoodthnt Superiatendeatawill not requestthe manningof 'KeyPoiate'unlesathe messagecontaiasiaformationfrom whiohthe vehicleor personcan reasonablybe expectedto be identlfied or some otherusefulpurposecan be served. Ý,. ° T/f ' / \ , . . .................... ,, \ .?A.?-35- . .. " E X P R E S S" MEkkAGEB ---- No. 1. DISTRICT. RECEIVEDFROM. RECE2VEDAT. PRESTON (CountyHd.Qra). C ESTER (CountyHd.Qrs) CREYVE . S7IRRAL. BROXTON. CEBSTER CITY. CH1EF COISTABLE'SRESIDENCE. OLD TRfLFFORD. ALTRINCHALIDIVISION NORTHWICH IDDLEP7ICH. STOCKPORT BOROUGH. DUKINFIELDDIUI520N MACCLESFIELDNISION IACCLESFIELD.BOROUG . CONGLETONBOROUGH. ASHTON-UND -LYME. DUKINFIELDSECT20N. YrIDNES. RUNCORND2VïSI0N EDDISBURY DIVISION. No. 90. Date 28th Decanber,1935. EXPRESS SSAGE SCHEIJIE. °KEY PO2NTS° BROXTONDIVISION. ALTRINCHAT DIVISION. EDD BURY DIVISION. CREYEDIVISION. M2DD8LNICHDNISION. NORTHPfICHDIVISION. WIRRALD2 I3I0N. PulfordBridge,on main Chester- WrexhazaRoad. FarndonBridge,boundaryof Cheshireand Denbighshire. Sarn Bridge,bouadaryof Cheshire,Flintshire and 5hropshire. CrossfordBridge. Northendenby the Industrial5chool. FlixtonRoad, Carrington. CrossRoads,T perleyVillage. The Cenotaph,Ha1e Barns. Mere Corner. WilmslowRoad by the VictoriaHa11,Mobberley. O1lertonCrossRoads,O1lerton. TrafficLights,AdamsHi11, Knuteford. WarburtonBridge,Warburton. Tarvinby Pass,junctiono£ Chester,Mauchester and CreweRoads. OakmereCrossRoads. Junotionof Warrington,Northwichand Chester Roads,Frodsham. TivertonCrossRoads. Entranceto CreweRaihvayStation,Nantv ch Road, Crewe. Junctionof RoadA532 and road A5078. Junctionof RoadA$30 and roadA532. Junctionof RoadsA532,A534 and B5077. At Naobwichon the Naibwich- TarporleyRoad the junctionof B5073 and A51. Railway crossing at Nantwich on the 1"lhitohurch - Nant ichAoad. In N t chTown,junctionof A51, A530,A464, ani A52. At Audlem,junctionof A525 a dA646. &u11Ring,Pd ddlowich. The Square,HolmesChapel. The Square,Sandbach. LawtonGate,ChurchLawton. WinsfordBridga,Winsford. . The Town Bridge, Northv ch. WinningtonBridge,Winniogton. BackfordFillingStation,LiverpoolRoad, Backförd. WhitbyRoad,Round-a-bout,ChesterRoad;Whitby. To11 Bar, New Ferry. HeronRoad End, Meile. Thingtvall Cross Roads, Thiogwall. C1eggArme Hote1,Gayton. (1) No. 90. Date.28thDecember,1935. (2) DUK2NFIELDDIVISION. White Hart, Cheadle. Traveller'sCa11,Bredbury. IvlanchasterRoad,tSottram,outeideMottramPolice Station. LondonRoad,Haze1Grove,outsideHaza1 Grove Polioe5tation. ti1ACCLE8FIELDDIVISION. Bank Square,Wi]inslow. The Kiosk,LondonRoad,A1derleyEdge. FountainSquare,LondonRoad,Poynton. BollingtonTurning,Tytherington. GawsworthCrossRoads,Gaweworth. ChelfordCrossRoads,Chelford. belay CrossRoads,Bosley. RUNCORNDIVISION. TransporterBridga,Runcorn. Moora Lane Bridge,Moore. S4altonBridge,1ValtonInferior. No thwichRoad Bridge,StocktonHeath. CantileverBridge,IatchfordYdithout. KnutefordRoad Bridge,LatchfordYdithout.